Yellowfin seabream Acanthopagrus latus is an economically important species in this area; however, the distribution of its spawning grounds and habitat use patterns remain unknown. The authors unlocked A. latus migration patterns and habitat use in Wanshan Islands, Pearl River Estuary, determined using otolith microchemical analysis.



The data frame 84,471 × 16 contains the following columns:

fish_idintegerfish identifier
locationcharacterlocation of capture
distancenumericdistance from the core to the edge of otolith (um)
sr_canumericotolith Sr:Ca (x1000)
li_canumericotolith Li:Ca
na_canumericotolith Na:Ca
mg_canumericotolith Mg:Ca
si_canumericotolith Si:Ca
mn_canumericotolith Mn:Ca
fe_canumericotolith Fe:Ca
co_canumericotolith Co:Ca
ni_canumericotolith Ni:Ca
cu_canumericotolith Cu:Ca
zn_canumericotolith Zn:Ca
sb_canumericotolith Sb:Ca
ba_canumericotolith Ba:Ca


The dataset contains 92 otolith samples of Acanthopagrus latus were collected from three geographic areas (MW: Qi'ao Island Mangrove Water Habitat; OW: Yamen Estuary Oyster Farm Water Habitat; RW: Dong'ao-Guishan Island Reef Water Habitat), and the concentrations of Sr and Ca along the shortest axis of the vertical otolith annual or lunar rings were measured to span the entire life cycle of A. latus, with the core and edge areas corresponding to environmental characteristics at birth and capture, respectively.

Instrument: LA-ICP-MS (laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry)

Beam diameter: 10um

Reference materials: NIST-610,NIST-612 (National Institutes of Standards and Technology glass standard)


Tang, G., He, Z., Liu, Y., Xiao, Y., Bi, S., Sun, Y., ... & Li, C. (2023). Acanthopagrus latus migration patterns and habitat use in Wanshan Islands, Pearl River Estuary, determined using otolith microchemical analysis. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Traversing the paper's information via Semantic Scholar ID 2f8ea5c22581cb0c2132b620ac722e8a29e6c260 using S2miner package


Liuyong Ding,


otolith, trace element, Sr/Ca, Li/Ca, Na/Ca,Mg/Ca, Si/Ca, Mn/Ca, Fe/Ca, Co/Ca, Ni/Ca, Cu/Ca,Zn/Ca, Sb/Ca, Ba/Ca


### copy data into 'dat'
dat <- bt.tang.2023
#> # A tibble: 84,471 × 16
#>    fish_id location distance sr_ca        li_ca   na_ca    mg_ca      si_ca    mn_ca    fe_ca    co_ca
#>    <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <dbl>        <dbl>   <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#>  1 Q1      MW          0      3.37 -0.000000896 0.00940 0.000202  0.00277    1.31e-4 -1.75e-4  1.41e-5
#>  2 Q1      MW          0.806  3.19 -0.0000202   0.00919 0.000196 -0.0108     9.85e-5  8.16e-4 -1.53e-5
#>  3 Q1      MW          1.61   3.60  0.00000949  0.0101  0.000210  0.0114     2.44e-4  2.74e-4 -3.33e-6
#>  4 Q1      MW          2.42   3.37 -0.0000216   0.00957 0.000242 -0.0000842  1.05e-4  1.24e-4  1.04e-6
#>  5 Q1      MW          3.22   3.34 -0.0000108   0.00890 0.000201 -0.0116     1.29e-4  4.06e-4 -1.16e-5
#>  6 Q1      MW          4.03   3.57  0.0000170   0.0108  0.000168 -0.00900    1.63e-4 -3.03e-5 -3.86e-6
#>  7 Q1      MW          4.84   3.32 -0.0000177   0.0101  0.000304  0.00715    1.52e-4  1.34e-4 -1.30e-5
#>  8 Q1      MW          5.64   3.61 -0.000000982 0.00978 0.000193 -0.00845    1.57e-4  1.35e-4  1.14e-6
#>  9 Q1      MW          6.45   3.96 -0.00000111  0.0120  0.000242  0.0229     1.37e-4  7.07e-4 -4.10e-6
#> 10 Q1      MW          7.25   3.42  0.00000437  0.00953 0.000174  0.0136     1.38e-4 -2.66e-5  1.07e-6
#> # ℹ 84,461 more rows
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: ni_ca <dbl>, cu_ca <dbl>, zn_ca <dbl>, sb_ca <dbl>, ba_ca <dbl>

if (FALSE) {
### load package

### otolith sr/ca
ggplot(data = dat, aes(distance, sr_ca)) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = location, group = fish_id), show.legend = F, na.rm = T) +
  facet_grid(location ~ ., scales = "free_y") +
  xlab("Distance from the core to the edge of otolith (um)") +
  ylab("Otolith Sr:Ca (x1000)") +
  theme_bw() +
    panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
    text = element_text(size = 10), legend.title = element_blank(),
    plot.title = element_text(face = "bold")
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,10))