In order to examine the life-history strategies of key pangasiid catfishes in the Mekong River, the authors collected otoliths from 126 specimens belonging to four species in the Lower Mekong Basin. The authors analysed the otolith microchemical structure using two methods (Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and Scanning X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy) to identify evidence of diadromy (movements between the ocean and upstream waters).


The data frame 27,522 × 13 contains the following columns:

fish_idcharactershark identifier
speciescharactermekong pangasiid catfishes
distancenumericdistance from core to edge of otolith (um)
valuenumericotolith element(E):Ca (Ba/Ca x1000;Sr/Ca x1000)
elementcharactersr_ca or ba_ca
technologycharacteranalysis technology
sampling_datecharacterdate of sampling
latitudenumericlatitude of capture
longitudenumericlongitude of capture
lengthnumericbody length (cm)
weightnumericbody weight (g)
sexcharacterfish sex
sectioning_planecharactersectioning plane


The dataset contains element(E):Ca from otolith core–edge transects of Mekong pangasiid catfishes (Pangasius bocourti, Pangasius elongatus, Pangasius krempfi, and Pangasius mekongensis).

Instrument: LA-ICP-MS (laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry);SXFM (scanning x-ray fluorescence imaging)

Beam diameter: 25-30um

Scan speed: 3-10um/s

Reference materials: NIST-612 (National Institutes of Standards and Technology glass standard) and MACS-3 (United States Geological Survey microanalytical carbonate standard pressed pellet)

Note: data extraction via WebPlotDigitizer tool (Title with * label).


Vu, A. V., Baumgartner, L. J., Limburg, K. E., Doran, G. S., Mallen-Cooper, M., Gillanders, B. M., ... & Cowx, I. G. (2022). Life history strategies of Mekong pangasiid catfishes revealed by otolith microchemistry. Fisheries Research, 249, 106239.

Vu, A. V. (2022). Diversity in migration patterns of selected Mekong River fishes. Charles Sturt University.

Traversing the paper's information via Semantic Scholar ID 8adc040f8c2d7913571ecf8f5cd2f3ae282c339f using S2miner package


Liuyong Ding,


otolith, trace element, Ba/Ca, Sr/Ca


### copy data into 'dat'
dat <-
#> # A tibble: 27,522 × 13
#>    fish_id  species   distance value element technology sampling_date longitude latitude length weight
#>    <chr>    <chr>        <dbl> <dbl> <chr>   <chr>      <chr>             <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>   <dbl>
#>  1 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…     1.71  2.81 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#>  2 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…     1.80  2.68 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#>  3 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…     7.86  2.56 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#>  4 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…     9.63  2.46 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#>  5 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…    14.5   2.34 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#>  6 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…    15.6   2.21 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#>  7 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…    23.6   2.05 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#>  8 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…    34.4   1.92 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#>  9 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…    42.6   1.83 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#> 10 103-CLD2 Pangasiu…    53.7   1.74 Sr_Ca   LA-ICPMS   2018-07-30         106.     9.51 34        600
#> # ℹ 27,512 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: sex <chr>, sectioning_plane <chr>

if (FALSE) {
### load package

### otolith ba/ca
ggplot(data = dat[which(dat$element == "Ba_Ca"), ],
       aes(distance, value)) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = species, group = fish_id),
            show.legend = F, na.rm = T) +
  facet_grid(species ~ ., scales = "free_y") +
  xlab("Distance from core to edge of otolith (um)") +
  ylab("Ba/Ca (umol/mol)") +
  theme_bw() +
    panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
    text = element_text(size = 10), legend.title = element_blank(),
    plot.title = element_text(face = "bold")
### otolith sr/ca
ggplot(data = dat[which(dat$element == "Sr_Ca"), ],
       aes(distance, value)) +
  geom_line(aes(colour = species, group = fish_id),
            show.legend = F, na.rm = T) +
  facet_grid(species ~ ., scales = "free_y") +
  xlab("Distance from core to edge of otolith (um)") +
  ylab("Sr/Ca (mmol/mol)") +
  theme_bw() +
    panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
    panel.background = element_blank(), axis.line = element_line(colour = "black"),
    text = element_text(size = 10), legend.title = element_blank(),
    plot.title = element_text(face = "bold")